Gechi Signature uses DHL as the shipping carrier responsible of delivering your order. Once a package has left our office and is scanned by a Dhl employee, your package is on transit to you and you’ll receive a tracking number via email. Please allow up to 24 hours for an Dhl employee to update the tracking number. Once a package is on transit and you have any questions or concerns regarding shipping please contact us.

Dhl is the shipping carrier responsible for delivering a package by estimated scheduled date/time given by your DHL tracking number. If DHL tried to deliver your package and you were not at the given address, you are responsible to reschedule a redelivery with DHL or responsible to pick up at your local post office. Gechi Signature is not liable for any shipping delays due to inclement weather, holidays, natural disasters, Dhl delays, order verification or incorrect/incomplete shipping addresses. Gechi Signature is not responsible for any lost or stolen packages and to ensure you’ll receive your package, tracking number and signature is required.

Your order will be sent to the shipping address as inserted and provided to us by you when order was placed. Providing an incomplete and/or incorrect shipping address is one of the leading causes of shipping delays. Upon ordering, please ensure all delivery information is complete and accurate to ensure successful delivery. If you inserted the shipping address incomplete/incorrect, please contact us via email to correct this before order has shipped out. Once order is in transit, Gechi Signature can no longer correct the address, therefore please contact DHL to correct your shipping address.

For any further questions or concerns please email us during our business hours and allow up to 48 hours for a response.


11am-6pm EST